
Record Details


Record Tracklist

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Tenebrae sisältää espanjalaisen renessanssisäveltäjän Tomás Luis de Victorian (1548-1611) Tenebrae-responsoriot kokoelmasta Officium hebdomadæ sanctæ (1585). Hiljaisen viikon rukoushetkien liturgiseen käyttöön sävelletyt responsoriot ovat kuuluneet Lumen Valon ohjelmistoon lähes koko yhtyeen olemassaolon ajan.


”The simplicity of Victoria´s Tenebrae masks a formidable rethorical intelligence. It is a pleasure to hear a recording that brings the music´s inherent drama to the fore. Lumen Valo are a mixed ensemble from Finland consisting of eight vocalists, commendably full-bodied and with a judicious, occasional use of vibrato; clear, flexible of tone and well-nigh flawless in terms of ensemble. They give Victoria´s music a remarkable and captivating immediacy. A very fine disc.”

– Fabrice Fitch, Gramophone