Stockholm Early Music Day

Stockholm, Sweden · Tyska kyrkan

Venue Details

Svartmangatan 16, Stockholm, 111 29, Sweden

European Day of Early Music 2019

Celebrate the seventh European Early Music Day with SEMF!

Piæ Cantiones – Renaissance Tunes around the Baltic Sea

March 21, 2019 throughout Europe marks the celebration of the seventh edition of the European Early Music Day, launched by an initiative from SEMF and coordinated by REMA. The event enjoys the patronage of the European Commission and is a cooperation with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

On March 21st, the beginning of spring and Johann Sebastian Bach’s birthday, concerts, conferences and other events related to early music are held around Europe with the purpose of increasing the awareness about the diversity of a shared historical musical heritage. Several of these events are available for a broad audience via online live-streaming.

In Stockholm, SEMF is offering you a particular experience with the renown Finnish vocal ensemble Lumen Valo in co-action with kantele-player Hedi Viisma, presenting 16th century vocal music from the region around the Baltic Sea. ”Piæ Cantiones – Renaissance Tunes around the Baltic Sea”, including works by Piæ Cantiones, Martin Luther, as well as Michael Praetorius, is presented in The German Church (Tyska kyrkan) at 7 pm and broadcast live through Swedish Radio as well as EBU. Enyoy the concert in the beautiful acoustics of the German Church!

In cooperation with the Swedish Radio, EBU, the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Finnish Institute in Stockholm and the German Church. More information about the European Day of Early Music can be found on