Nothing brings Christmas spirit quite like our Mysterium concerts at Uspenski Cathedral! An hour’s worth of a cappella music from the 16th, 20th and 21st centuries topped with Morten Lauridsen’s ethereal O Magnum Mysterium and Franz Gruber’s Stille Nacht crown this soothing and calming experience.
This year’s Mysterium calendar is:
- 16 Dec at 16.00
- 16 Dec at 19.00
- 19 Dec at 18.00
- 19 Dec at 21.00
- 21 Dec at 18.00
- 21 Dec at 21.00
Secure your tickets at now! Tickets are also available at the venue 1 h before the concert if not sold out. Payment by cash or card. Prices: 30 / 25 / 15 €. Also check out our Facebook event!